Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit repair

$35 Credit Repair

Credit Repair Only $35 Per Month With $75 Down http://www.SourceOneCreditRepair.com Have you recently obtained a credit report to check your credit score. Did you know that the fair credit reporting act allows legitimate credit repair services to do credit repair. Credit repair after bankruptcy requires credit repair help, but don't worry because credit restoration is possible. Low credit scores, bad, credit reports, and credit check inquiries can all be fixed. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 30
Added : 05/09/08 18:05
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Videos (81) | Blog posts (38)

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http://www.creditjusticeservices.com Mr. Muir is teamed up with a variety of experienced consultants in the areas of law, financial management, accounting, and mortgage banking. His team of experts has facilitated Credit Justice Services in becoming a valuable source of solutions for its clients. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 14
Added : 06/08/08 23:50
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Credit Repair Software Credit Detailer

The fastest, most automated, and only bi-lingual program available today! This program does everything for you. Spend only minutes vs. hours! Includes: All the forms you need, pre-made templates, customizable templates, billing & invoicing, marketing, reports, & more! Visit www.CreditDetailer.com for more info, or call us at (866) 286-5971 to learn how to get a free trial! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 8 min 41
Added : 12/02/08 18:11
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Credit Repair Video Educational DVD

This is a new way to teach people how to handle their own credit repair in a way they can understand and be successful at raising their scores 100 to 150 Fico Points in 90 Short Days by simply following our easy instructions! WHO IS YOUR CREDIT MORE IMPORTANT TO, ME OR YOU? THEN WHY TRUST ANYONE ELSE WHEN YOUR CREDIT IS AT STAKE! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 51
Added : 05/08/08 07:55
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Credit Repair Secrets Guide

http://www.CreditRepairSecretsGuide.com If you've suffered from ANY kind of bad credit you no longer have to contend with high interest rates or credit denials. You can learn the step by step system to repair your credit with more easy-to-learn insider consumer credit secrets than any other home study course .... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 51
Added : 08/12/08 01:43
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Credit Repair Consultants - Scorite Credit Repair

We have decided to post new tutorial videos to youtube to help consumers get the truth about credit repair. This is our first / introductory video. We hope you enjoy and subscribe so that you dont miss out on the upcoming free yet valuable information. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 16
Added : 25/05/08 09:04
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Are the credit bureaus really trying to help you?

for breaking credit updates. Are the credit bureaus really trying to help you? Ever wonder if the credit bureaus really have your best interest at heart? No pun intended. It's all about the money! Millions and Billions! ... "credit repair" Minnesota MN "credit restoration" bankruptcy foreclosure collections "short sale" "credit report" "tax lien" repossession "credit card debt" "debt elimination" Bloomington Troy "Troy Telthoester" "Remove the credit blues" "credit bureau" dispute "dispute ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 50
Added : 17/07/09 19:16
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Lexington Law Credit Repair Firm

http://www.lexcredit.com Lexington Law has been helping clients like you repair their credit reports since 1991. Weve literally helped hundreds of thousands in their fight for accurate credit reports by leveraging their rights to verify the information on their credit reports. Our years of experience have given us the tools and experience to help our clients remove millions of negative items from their reports. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 30
Added : 18/12/08 02:10
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Credit Repair - Andrew Watso's Story

http://www.ScoreMoreCredit.com - After investing 3 or 4 years and thousands of dollars Andrew had just about given up on credit repair. Hear how we repaired his credit in just 45 days, got his score up almost 100 points, and helped him qualify for a home saving refinance. Credit repair works if you're working with Score More Credit. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 27
Added : 10/12/08 17:53
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Debt Management: Credit Boot-camp™Credit Repair (Self Help)

http://www.DEBTWARRIORS.com Filing a Credit Dispute is something that you can do yourself. Learn why a Credit Dispute works 77% of the time! Don't Go To Court Alone! Hire an affordable Attorney in your state. For more info call 866-576-4996 - or go to www.prepaidlegal.com/hub/jeromeford [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 54
Added : 04/02/08 22:43
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