Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about settle my debt

About Credit Repair - The Secured and Damaged Credit

www.StopCreditCrunch.com The only other Credit Repair Program that works is www.TheCreditRepairMagic.com It is by far the best credit repair software. You will be amazed how much it can help you! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 15
Added : 10/09/09 03:27
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Videos (46) | Blog posts (27)

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How to Settle Credit Card Debt Yourself

www.debtreliefdr.com Is it possible to settle credit card debt yourself, without using a credit counselor or a debt consolidation company? Absolutely positively it is! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 32
Added : 08/08/09 16:40
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About Credit Repair - Bills Are Due And Credit Repair Is In Place

www.StopCreditCrunch.com The only other Credit Repair Program that works is www.TheCreditRepairMagic.com It is by far the best credit repair software. You will be amazed how much it can help you! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 08
Added : 14/09/09 03:35
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The Drawbacks to Debt Settlement Programs

We have all seen the SCAM reports about debt settlement companies and the industry as a whole. Franklin Debt Settlement is uncovering this rash of reports and delivers the full story behind the SCAM reports. What you need to know BEFORE you ever enroll in any Debt Settlement Program. www.FranklinDebtSettlement.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 34
Added : 05/05/09 17:49
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If Credit Card Companies Sue You During Debt Settlement

www.CreditCardReliefFormula.org What happens if a credit card company sues you during debt settlement? It is easy to settle your own debts often for a dime or two on the dollar. Creditors do not often sue you. But if they do, here's what can happen...and you will be absolutely shocked. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 56
Added : 29/01/09 18:30
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About Credit Repair - Bad Credit Repair

www.StopCreditCrunch.com The only other Credit Repair Program that works is www.TheCreditRepairMagic.com It is by far the best credit repair software. You will be amazed how much it can help you! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 59
Added : 12/09/09 09:57
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The Do-It-Yourself Bailout Seminar, Pt. 2

www.SettleYourCreditCards.com, Kenny Golde talks about getting settlement agreements in writing at The Do-It-Yourself Bailout Seminar, Los Angeles, CA, August 15, 2009. ... "Kenny Golde" Bailout Debt Credit "Credit Cards" "Credit Card Debt" "negotiating debt" "settling debt" "debt settlement" "debt relief" [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 01
Added : 08/09/09 18:09
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How I Deal With Those Annoying Debt Collectors - and have some FUN

Even though I have defeated the debt collection lawsuit brought against us, (see: "DEFAULT !!! Escaping the Debt Trap and Avoiding Bankruptcy")... search.barnesandnoble.com www.amazon.com ... collection agencies STILL try to trick me into settling the "alleged debt", or sending payments... either of which would reset the Statute of Limitations and make us vulnerable to another lawsuit. THEY DON'T FOOL ME... LOL !!! Here is the way I turn their phone calls into FUN and AMUSEMENT .... XD XD XD... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 6 min 30
Added : 07/06/09 20:01
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Larry Loik Discusses How to Get your credit card debt down- www.thenewmoneyshow.com

Listen how to settle your credit card debt for pennies on the dollar. Lower your credit card balances the legal & better way. with no bankruptcy As seen on CBS RADIO klsx 97.1 fm LOS ANGELES [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 48
Added : 23/12/08 19:43
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How to Settle Credit Card Debt

http://www.creditcarddebtcoach.com learn how to settle your credit card debt for pennies on the dollar without paying a debt settlement company and how to become debt free. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 46
Added : 18/12/08 02:06
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