Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit card advice

Debt Management : How to Eliminate Debt Legally

In order to legally eliminate debt, a person can use a debt consolidation loan, they could negotiate with creditors and they could declare bankruptcy. Borrow money from a lender to pay off all credit cards at a lower interest rate withhelp from a business analyst in this free video on financial planning and debt management. Expert: Terry Kuykendall Bio: Terry Kuykendall is currently a budget analyst for the military in Washington. She is an accountant who has worked at firms helping people ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 07
Added : 23/01/09 23:51
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Videos (16) | Blog posts (1)

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Law & Court : What to Do if Sued by a Credit Card Company

Before a credit card company files suit, a better course of action is to contact them to find out if they are interested in negotiating an alternative payment plan. Discover how the judgment from a suit can affect a credit score withlegal advice from a certified family mediator in this free video on laws and the court. Expert: Robert Todd Bio: Robert Todd is the managing partner and president of Robert M. Todd, PA and Family Law Solutions. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 21
Added : 01/06/09 18:03
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Debt Consolidation & Management : When Not Paying Off Old Debts Can Hurt

It hurts to not pay off any debt, but some old debts can be pursued by a credit card company through legal action. Look at a credit report to see how unpaid debts are affecting credit scores withhelp from the owner of a debt negotiation company in this free video on debt and money management. Expert: Peter Repak Contact: www.ClearFinancialCompany.com Bio: Peter Repak has been in the debt settlement business for over half a decade. He and his wife founded the Clear Financial Company ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 32
Added : 08/02/09 19:16
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Repair Bad Credit Services

Credit tips and tricks on how to build your credit score extremely fast. Completely legal techniques to significantly raise your FICO score. Advice on how to work around bankruptcies and other negative marks on your credit report. Complete listing of services can be found at www.BuildMyCreditScoreFast.com. You don't have to live with bad credit if you're willing to do something about it. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 55
Added : 29/08/07 19:08
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Debtmuncher Unenforceable Agreements

now ways to legally clear your credit card and unsecured loan debt. Please visit the Debtmuncher website for a radio 4 interview, BBC news clip and to contact us. ... "credit wipe" "clear my credit card" "clear my credit" debtmuncher "debt advice" debtproblems "clear my credit cards" "clear my loans" "how can i clear my debt" "unsecured loan debt" "debt wipe" "credit crunch" "debt problems" "credit card problems" cartel "credit issues" "clear my credit history" "challenge my credit" "clear ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min
Added : 15/03/09 11:21
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Legal Information : How to Report Credit Card Fraud

When reporting credit card fraud, contact the issuer of each credit card immediately or notify the Federal Trade Commission. Retain money and avoid fraudulent credit card spending with advice from a certified family mediator in this free video on legal information. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 22
Added : 17/10/08 20:25
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Legally Raise Your Credit Score

Tips and Tricks on how to build your credit score extremely fast. Completely legal techniques to significantly raise your FICO score. Advice on how to work around bankruptcies and other negative marks on your credit report. Complete listing of services can be found at www.BuildMyCreditScoreFast.com. You don't have to live with bad credit if you're willing to do something about it. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 58
Added : 29/08/07 17:23
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Build My Credit Score Fast

Tips and Tricks on how to build your credit score extremely fast. Completely legal techniques to significantly raise your FICO score. Advice on how to work around bankruptcies and other negative marks on your credit report. Complete listing of services can be found at www.BuildMyCreditScoreFast.com. You don't have to live with bad credit if you're willing to do something about it. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 15
Added : 29/08/07 17:20
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Remove negative credit items from your report

Tips and Tricks on how to build your credit score extremely fast. Denied credit applications are embarrassing. Completely legal techniques to significantly raise your FICO score. Simple advice on how to remove bankruptcies and other negative marks on your credit report. Complete listing of services can be found at www.BuildMyCreditScoreFast.com. You don't have to live with bad credit if you're willing to do something about it. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 46
Added : 29/08/07 20:24
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Debt Negotiation Jim Gruler

Jim Gruler, designated broker of Hunter James Properties, presents Debt Reduction Store's Negotiation Store, a financial service that works directly with creditors to negotiate discounted debt settlements. Both home buyers and sellers benefit by reducing the debt load; people can save many thousands of dollars with smaller debt repayments, some debt repayments are only 50 cents on the dollars. www.jim.debtreductionstore.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 21
Added : 01/07/08 20:17
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