Effective Debt Settlement Program
Debt can happen to anyone. Don't let outstanding debts or credit card balances control your life. Debtcaretaker.com services can help you take charge of your finances and eliminate debt fast. Debt settlement is a method of eliminating debt for less than the amount actually owed to creditors. In this process, you stop paying your monthly payments to creditors and instead save some money. When you have saved at least 50% of the total, you start to negotiate with your creditors for a refund ...
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: 0 min
: 25/05/09 03:48
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Blog posts
Credit Card Debt Settlement
paydotcom.com Learn how we negotiated over $75000 in credit card debt spread over 5 credit cards for about $23500 ! we negotiated $20k of credit card debt for $4011 and $11000 of credit card debt for $2367 Don't allow attorneys and credit counseling services take advantage of you! The simple SECRETS that we will reveal to you WILL literally SAVE you THOUSANDS of dollars in unnecessary costs! Learn how to Do It Yourself just like my husband and I did! It works!...
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: 0 min
: 23/06/09 00:14
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Freedom Debt Relief - Andrew's Freedom Success Story
Andrew shares his experience as client of Freedom Debt Relief. In his review of the company, he describes the how Freedom Debt Relief's program and their incredible customer service allowed him to pay off 9 separate credit card accounts. The result: he was debt free in 2 1/2 years and saved over $9000 in the process! He also explains how his success with Freedom Debt Relief differed from his previous attempts to pay off his debts using Credit Counseling agencies....
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: 8 min
: 16/07/09 17:31
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Debt Negotiation Services (DNS) as featured on Montel WIlliams
The Oldest and Most Trusted Debt Settlement Company in the Country. Debt Negotiation Services (DNS) offers a life-changing financial management solution designed to get our members out of debt, keep them out of debt, and build financial freedom for life. For over a decade, we have built trust with our members by getting the results we promise, and we will do the same for you. Visit us at www.havedebt.com or call us at 866-DEBT-DNS and learn how we can save you thousands of dollars and ...
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: 9 min
: 25/09/09 18:43
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Preferred Financial Services - Debt Consolidation
Preferred Financial Services are leaders in debt settlement, through debt consolidation and debt reduction. Avoid filing bankrupty, or using credit counseling. Our debt solutions will save you the most money in the fastest amount of time. End high interest credit card payments and reduce your debt by 50% or more in as little as 24 months! Live debt free with the help of Preferred Financial Services!
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: 0 min
: 28/08/09 18:52
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What types of debts can be included in Debt Settlement
We are able to resolve any unsecured debt, meaning credit cards, medical bills, etc. Debts that are secured by property, such as mortgages, car loans, or purchase contracts cannot be included. We also cannot service IRS obligations or government-backed student loans.
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: 0 min
: 02/07/09 19:40
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How to find a job in Debt Settlement at Kean University job fair
Today I went to a Part-Time Job Fair in Kean University (Building CAS 123). I spoke to students on how they can become entrepreneurs and business owners with Debt Settlement. We spoke about the Need for this service an how rapidly the industry has grown! As you know, there is $2.6 Trillion in Credit Card debt and thats not counting Real Estate! Credit Rights teaches people how to talk to individuals and families on how they can benefit from Debt Settlement Service! With us, you get Free ...
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: 0 min
: 08/04/09 00:29
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Facts That Are Shocking - What You Really Need To Know About Debt Settlement Companies
Debt consolidation involves many financial risks if you have bad credit, which is why people often select debt settlement to solve their debt problems. Debt consolidation requires a credit check prior to you obtaining a loan, while debt settlement allows you to enroll in the program without...
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: 5 min
: 27/01/09 15:29
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Debt Consolidation Loan - Credit Card Consolidation
Credit Counseling Service : A debt consolidation company will provide you with the relief that you need in order to make paying your bills manageable and will allow you to facilitate the process of improving or repairing your credit rating so that any future financial purchases that you make will also cost less and therefore be more manageable.
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: 0 min
: 02/04/09 10:46
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Do It Yourself Debt Settlement
No attorneys and credit counseling services take advantage of you! Learn how to Do It Yourself just like my husband and I did! It works!
Learn how we negotiated over $75,000 in credit card debt spread over 5 credit cards for about $23,500 ! we negotiated $20k of credit card debt for $4,011 and $11,800 of credit card debt for $2,300---visit debtsettlement-help.com for more info
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: 3 min
: 19/09/08 18:03
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