Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit card debt relief

Debt Consolidation - Introduction to Debt Reduction Services

This video offers an introduction to Debt Reduction Services inc. and the services provided. Todd Christensen, The Director of Education for DRS and the National Financial Education Center also offers financial tips in this video. Please call 1-877-688-3328 for more information regarding DRS. Educational services are available at no cost to you. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 06
Added : 31/01/08 00:43
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Videos (34) | Blog posts (7)

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Recycling Basics and Saving Money

Another video from our series of educational videos to help you learn more about handling your finances and being a more well informed consumer. Credit Counselors Corp, is a credit & debt management company that is dedicated to helping you get out of debt. Contact www.cccindy.com call 1-800-937-9030 for a consultation. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 40
Added : 26/11/08 15:54
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Debt Negotiation Jim Gruler

Jim Gruler, designated broker of Hunter James Properties, presents Debt Reduction Store's Negotiation Store, a financial service that works directly with creditors to negotiate discounted debt settlements. Both home buyers and sellers benefit by reducing the debt load; people can save many thousands of dollars with smaller debt repayments, some debt repayments are only 50 cents on the dollars. www.jim.debtreductionstore.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 21
Added : 01/07/08 20:17
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Looking for Debt Relief

http://www.debtconsolidationupdates.com/2352/credit-card-debt-negotiation-is-always-advantageous/ With the economy in trouble and more layoffs being announced every day, many people are looking for ways to stay out of trouble with credit card debt. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 37
Added : 14/01/09 08:07
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Non-Profit Debt Consolidation Service

In this video I briefly explain the Debt Management Program in a interview scenario to someone that had some questions about the program and how it will help improve their current financial situation due to their burdening credit cards without having to settle them. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 41
Added : 21/09/09 05:15
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Debt Settlement

Eliminate your credit card debt with our debt settlement program. We are committed to help you to avoid bankruptcy and reduce your debt down to as low as 40% of the current balance. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min
Added : 15/04/09 03:39
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Debt Negotiaton - Darlene Simmonds

Darlene Simmonds, Rep for Debt Reduction Store, presents Debt Negotiation Store. Did you know that your debts can be negotiated? Let Debt Negotiation Store work directly with your creditors to reach a smaller debt repayment, debt discounts as high as 50 percent. Call 1-800-920-0635 www.Darlene.ImproveCreditStore.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 47
Added : 02/07/08 19:48
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Edmonton Alberta Credit Card Debt Relief

www.edmontondebthelp.com can help you get out of Credit Card Debt using Relief. This will allow you to get out of debt in half the time and with half the cost. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 34
Added : 07/09/09 19:39
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Consumer Education Services Testimonials

Customers of Consumer Education Services, Inc (CESI) tell their personal stories about debt, debt relief, and interaction with CESI's certified financial counselors. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 01
Added : 18/12/08 15:45
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Debt Consolidation | Debt Consolidation Loan | Debt Consolidation Loans

Debt Consolidation Loans, a thing of the Past! Stop paying your life away to your creditors... Take control of your finances and apply on line today! We offer credit card consolidation services to help you find your debt relief solution and get out of debt without.-debtquotes.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 54
Added : 28/04/09 09:06
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