Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit card debt

Meet Michael Mack - The Credit Credit man

Meet Michael Mack the Creditman. Mike offers legal debt forgiveness without bankruptcy as well as bankruptcy solutions. Call 1-800-969-4444 or visit www.thecreditman.com for more information. Get a FREE dvd and "The Truth about Credit and Debt Revealed!" book. Mike has also written the book "How to Instantly Eliminate Credit Card Debt without Bankruptcy or Credit Counseling" available at his website. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 18
Added : 07/03/09 16:09
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Videos (116) | Blog posts (36)

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The Rope (:30)

household.It's an easy thing to fall in to; credit cards are alluring, seductive, convenient, and if we're not careful, very costly.With interest rates as high as 23%, credit card debt can become a threat to your financial security, and climbing out of that debt might not be too easy. The choice is yours. Choose to Save. Call for information or visit our website ... Saving Retirement Finance EBRI ASEC "Choose to Save" www.choosetosave.org www.ebri.org " ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 32
Added : 11/02/09 14:45
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CAP's Derek Douglas on the impact of Credit Card Debt

Center for American Progress Associate Director of Economic Policy Derek Douglas discusses the impact of credit cards on US consumers. For more information on the Center's work on credit & debt please visit: http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/domestic/debt What if 40 hours a week were enough? Contribute to the collective genius www.americanprogress.org [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 48
Added : 28/11/06 22:07
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Credit Card Arbitration Forum Information

http://www.TheCreditCardSolution.com presents Bob Lindsey discussing the process of arbitration in the field of credit card debt. Credit card debt arbitration and negotiation are among the topics explored in this series of videos concerning credit card debt. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 19
Added : 23/07/08 17:13
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Take the Money & Run: Debt Settlement Scams

Another video from our series of educational videos to help you learn more about handling your finances and being a more well informed consumer. Credit Counselors Corp, is a credit & debt management company that is dedicated to helping you get out of debt. Contact www.cccindy.com call 1-800-937-9030 for a consultation. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 43
Added : 25/11/08 17:42
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To Good to be True? Debt Settlement Scams

Another video from our series of educational videos to help you learn more about handling your finances and being a more well informed consumer. Credit Counselors Corp, is a credit & debt management company that is dedicated to helping you get out of debt. Contact www.cccindy.com call 1-800-937-9030 for a consultation. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 51
Added : 25/11/08 17:30
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Bankruptcy Attorney, Credit Debt Attorney in Astoria NY 11105

The Office Of George Bassias Practices Law In Astoria, New York And Queens Co.. Our Entire Staff Is Dedicated To Helping Clients With Their Legal Matters Regarding: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Discharge Credit Card Debt Stop Foreclosures And Wage Garnishment Eliminate Judgments Any Type Of Accident With A Personal Injury Claim Please Contact Our Astoria Law Firm With Questions About Your Legal Issue. Provide As Much Information As Possible Regarding Your Inquiry. While This Contact Does Not Serve ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 15
Added : 02/03/09 19:28
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Retirement Planning: What you need to know

Another video from our series of educational videos to help you learn more about handling your finances and being a more well informed consumer. Credit Counselors Corp, is a credit & debt management company that is dedicated to helping you get out of debt. Contact www.cccindy.com call 1-800-937-9030 for a consultation. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min
Added : 26/11/08 15:50
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Visit www.ColdwellBankerLoans.com for information on home mortgage financing programs, loans, rates, re-financing, Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs), interest-only ARMs, fixed rate mortgages, 40-year mortgages, first-time homebuyer program, home equity loans and lines of credit, equity advance, pre-approval, secure loan applications, and much more. Ryan Nordby, Mortgage Advisor, will assist you in determining the best home loan for your particular situation. Call him today at (916) 600-0880! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 35
Added : 22/07/07 08:16
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Mortgage Refinancing Scams: Credit Repacking

Another video from our series of educational videos to help you learn more about handling your finances and being a more well informed consumer. Credit Counselors Corp, is a credit & debt management company that is dedicated to helping you get out of debt. Contact www.cccindy.com call 1-800-937-9030 for a consultation. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 31
Added : 25/11/08 19:03
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