Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about debt analysis

How College Students Can Avoid Drowning in Credit Card Debt

Experts are predicting that today's twenty-something generation will be one of the most debt-ridden generations since the great depression. In fact, the average college senior already carries almost three-thousand dollars in credit card debt. Fortunately, there are a few simple tips that can make the difference in taking control of your financial future that Financial Fitness Coach, Sanyika Calloway Boyce can share with you. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 08
Added : 01/02/08 18:53
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Videos (30) | Blog posts (2)

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Double Trouble for American Consumers

If the housing crisis is not pressing enough, rising credit card debt is creating more hardship for many Americans. An analysis by the newspaper USA Today shows credit card debt grew between 2001 and early 2006, fueled in part, by rising home equity, the value of a home minus its outstanding loans. Some consumer advocates blame the banking industry for taking advantage of homeowners who now find themselves in a credit trap. VOA's Mil Arcega reports. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 56
Added : 24/06/08 20:00
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Worldwide Job Fair Helping people reduce their debt and fixing credit!

Today I was at World Wide Educating Services, Inc Job Fair in Jersey City by Journal Square. I had a good time talking to people about how we can help reduce unsecured debt and reduce credit card interest rates. My recruite got some name/numbers and she has clients to give a free analysis to! Remember, I you want a free analysis, please let me know. We work nationwide! Guillermo A. Cervano 973-441-5287 [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 28
Added : 03/06/09 18:47
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Credit Card Debt Reduction Check-Up 4 of 10

http://www.debtwarriors.com: What is your current "outstanding balance" on your credit cards? What is the percentage you should try to keep your outstanding balance below? Watch this video as DEBT WARRIORS™ J. Carlton Ford provides what every credit card owner should know. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 13
Added : 04/01/08 05:44
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American Consumer Credit Counseling

This video describes what a consumer in debt should look for when seeking the help of a credit counseling agency. It also outlines the services offered by American Consumer Credit Counseling. ACCC is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides confidential credit counseling, budget analysis, educational materials, and a debt managament program. For more information visit ConsumerCredit.com or call 1-800-769-3571. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 01
Added : 14/11/08 16:27
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Credit Card Debt Reduction Check-Up 9 of 10

htttp://www.DEBTWARRIORS.com This is question 9 of 10 in your Credit Check-up. Have you filed for Bankruptcy in the last 2 years? Learn why this is such an important question when it comes to reducing your debt on your credit cards. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 49
Added : 04/01/08 05:55
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Credit Management & Debt Prevention Tips College Students

I don't know if you've heard the statistics and all the dire numbers, but there are a lot of people in this country who do not take care of their money very well. And the worst offenders are the twentysomethings, author Sanyika Calloway Boyce shares her credit management and debt prevention tips. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 01
Added : 01/02/08 18:30
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Credit Card Debt Consolidation: Choosing The Right Plan

http://www.debtguru.com Free financial analysis to help you decide whether a credit card debt consolidation program would work for you. Check out our Self Help debt management articles. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 08
Added : 30/05/08 22:06
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Credit Card Debt Consolidation: Choosing The Right Plan

http://www.debtguru.com Free financial analysis to help you decide whether a credit card debt consolidation program would work for you. Check out our Self Help debt management articles. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 08
Added : 23/07/08 20:10
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Credit Card Debt Reduction Check-Up 5 of 10

http://www.debtwarriors.com: What is your minimum monthly payment on your credit cards? Learn why this question can make the difference between you winning or losing your war on debt. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 22
Added : 04/01/08 05:47
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