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Do You Work Hard For Your Business?

The Discover Business Card with Cashback Bonus can make running a business a lot easier. Not only is it a convenient way to pay for all kinds of purchases, it also offers extras like Fee-Free PurchaseChecks, easy online account management tools, free employee cards and much more. So apply now for the card that actually pays you back for all your hard work. http://www.discovercard.com/business [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 31
Added : 02/04/08 00:34
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Videos (17) | Blog posts (7)

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Champion Credit Cards - A Credit Card Review Site - Credit Cards Best Deals

Welcome to ChampionCreditCards.com! Choosing credit card offers, whether good or bad, can be a challenge. With so many credit card offers being delivered in the mail, ads on television, and overwhelming information on the internet, where can one turn for help? Thanks to ChampionCreditCards.com, finding the right credit card has never been so simple. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 36
Added : 01/12/08 05:49
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Credit Unions - 21st Century Business

More than 3,300 member credit unions, representing 13 million+ Visa and MasterCard accounts, trust Card Services for Credit Unions (CSCU) for expert guidance and powerful resources. As the nation's largest card processing association exclusively for credit unions, we offer practical, reliable resources and insights to move confidently into the future. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 7 min
Added : 28/07/08 18:44
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Eclipse Telecheck Credit Card Machine

Here, we show how easy it is to run a credit card transaction on the Eclipse terminal. PaymentMax Processing is offering a free Eclipse Telecheck Credit Card terminal with all new approved accounts. The Eclipse is an easy to use, point of sale device. PaymentMax is a leading merchant services provider specializing in free machines and next day funding (in as little as 12 hours). [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 45
Added : 19/05/08 22:56
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Your Money: Managing Credit Cards

The credit crunch isn't just effecting the cash flow between businesses. Personal credit can easily be hampered in a down economy. AP Personal Finance Editor Trevor Delaney offers advice on managing credit card payments. (Nov. 21) [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 19
Added : 21/11/08 22:13
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How Credit Card Grace Periods Work

Consult www.BestCreditQuote.com for the best credit card offers before you apply for a credit card online, whether it is for a balance transfer credit card or a small business credit card. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 11
Added : 03/12/07 23:56
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Credit Cards For You

SuperCreditCardsOnline.com offers you the best in Credit Cards from Top Lenders. Low APR, Balance Transfers, Good Credit, Bad Credit, Students, Business Professionals, and more. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 33
Added : 30/04/08 23:19
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Millions of Credit Card Holders Could See Interest Rate Hikes; BBB Advice on Keeping Rates Low

Anyone who has recently seen the interest rates on their credit cards more than double isnt alone. Fortunately though, there are a few steps that credit card holders can take to try and keep their old rate and Better Business Bureau offers the following advice for fighting back against skyrocketing interest rates. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 16
Added : 28/05/09 16:55
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Credit Card To Obtain - JustCardOffers.Com

http://www.JustCardOffers.Com/Discover-Cash-Back-Bonus-Apply-Now.Htm Credit card to obtain the best options are used for discover credit cards and other special offers. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 14
Added : 21/09/08 18:14
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Juniper Visa Card - Quick Review On Rewards Cards And Offers

http://www.JuniperCreditCard.Info The Juniper Visa Card is the absolutely best credit card offer that exists on todays market. Apply for the Juniper Bank Card today and start receiving great rewards. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 19
Added : 07/08/08 15:42
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