Debt Rattle, September 10 2008: Unintended Consequences
National Photo Co. Peace and Progress September 29, 1924. "Mrs. LaFollette at Mountain Lake Park, Maryland." Ilargi: Looking at the fall-out from the Fannie and Freddie bottomless pit bail-out, I can’t help combining in my head the financial news with reports on the Hadron particle accelerator. Protesters claim it could create black holes [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 19:11:37
Blog posts
Debt Rattle, September 11 2008: Confidence and perception
National Photo Co. Vest Test September 13 1923 W.H. Murphy of the Protective Garment Corp. of New York stands less than ten feet from Frederick County, Md. Deputy Sheriff Charles W. Smith in police headquarters and lets the deputy fire a .38 caliber revolver straight at his chest. When the bullet hit, Murphy never batted an eye [more...]
Date: 2008-09-11 16:33:09
Debt Rattle, November 23 2008: How can I convey to you?
National Photo Co. Happiness 1919 A child holding the Thanksgiving turkey. Ilargi: It may seem sort of hard to decide which idea is sillier. But then again, that's not really fair. The nonsense oozing from Bush and Canadian PM Harper in Peru about how free trade will solve all our problems within the next 18 months goes way beyond silly [more...]
Date: 2008-11-23 20:47:32
Debt Rattle, November 30 2008: How to Build a Lifeboat
National Photo Co. Mack Sennett Girl 1919. Actress Marvel Rea, one of film producer Mack Sennett's well-rounded "bathing girls" Stoneleigh: ... , this is the list we have run periodically since we started TAE (with one addition at the end): 1) Hold no debt ... that getting rid of debt is priority #1 is that during deflation, real interest rates [more...]
Date: 2008-11-30 20:00:51
Debt Rattle, December 4 2008: The throws of a drunken darts player
National Photo Co Cabbage 1918 Washington, D.C., Food Administration: Making sauerkraut Ilargi: ... , and do so exponentially. Whether automakers get their federal billions or not, they won’t be able ... its limits. I've been thinking about the impossible conundrum that the autoworkers union, the UAW [more...]
Date: 2008-12-04 23:54:24
Debt Rattle, November 20 2008: Look What Reward the Serpent Got
National Photo Co. God and Ford 1924 Ford Motor Co. building on Pennsylvania Avenue, Metropolitan Methodist Church on C Street Washington, D.C. Ilargi: If Wall Street were forced today to take a breathalyzer test and walk a straight line, it would lose its license and be locked up [more...]
Date: 2008-11-20 22:40:26
How the Banksters are Making a Killing Off the Bailout
Posted by willyloman on October 19, 2008 By PAM MARTENS from Counter Punch, here ... and generosity and devotion exist….” Today, we hand our 8 year olds a $13 trillion national debt while ... the cause of the debt collapse. Worse still, the money is doled out to the very same individuals [more...]
Date: 2008-10-19 12:33:25
Ecuador Seeks Non-payment of Illegitimate Foreign Debt
Helga Serrano Narváez | November 24, 2008 Translated from: Ecuador buscará no pagar la deuda externa ilegítima, corrupta e ilegal Translated by: ... for Arbitration of Sovereign Debt in the United Nations and a reform of the international financial ... "will seek to not pay the illegitimate, corrupt, and illegal foreign debt," while at the same time [more...]
Date: 2008-11-25 02:05:00
The Stimulus Opportunity
The Stimulus Opportunity by Patrick Ruffini | December 29, 2008 at 12: ... the largest, fastest expansion of the national debt in American history (a/k/a the "economic stimulus ... in the plan's focus on Old Economy ditch-digging projects. Here's David Brooks, TR Republican, giving [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 05:48:52
King hints at need for ‘aggressive’ cuts
King hints at need for ‘aggressive’ cutsBy Alex Barker, Political CorrespondentPublished: November 26 2008 03:26 | Last updated: November 26 2008 03: ... to fiscal stability”.“The implied ratio of debt to national income only starts falling in 2015-16, which [more...]
Date: 2008-11-26 15:51:00
National Taxpayer Advocate Releases Report to Congress; Identifies Priority Challenges and Issues for Upcoming Year
Courtesy of the Internal Revenue Service – IR-2008-87, July 8, 2008 WASHINGTON — National Taxpayer Advocate Nina E ... and education to individuals who have lost their homes to foreclosure concerning the “cancellation of debt” [more...]
Date: 2008-07-18 13:37:00
How the Banksters Made a Complete Killing off the Bailout
By Pam Martens, CounterPunch. Posted October 21, 2008 ... and generosity and devotion exist.” Today, we hand our 8 year olds a $13 trillion national debt ... to determine the cause of the debt collapse. Worse still, the money is doled out to the very same individuals [more...]
Date: 2008-10-21 14:54:44
WHAT THE HELL? By R.J. Godlewski ©August 13, 2008, ... that the collection bureau will end up passing the ‘debt’ onto one of their brethren and each will affix ... the national debt. Then it dawned upon me; a child rapist gets four months and I’ll get seven years [more...]
Date: 2008-08-13 20:56:29
Full Text: President Bill Clinton Speech to Democratic National Convention, Denver 2008
Remarks as prepared for delivery to the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday by former President Bill Clinton: ... foreclosures and credit card debt increasing; health care coverage disappearing; and a big spike [more...]
Date: 2008-08-28 01:52:02
Sweeping The Nation Albums Of 2008: Number 8
Tokenism? Pale boy anti-tokenism, actually. One of the big viral web hits of the year was a Canadian site entitled Stuff White People Like ... Wolf - University of Cincinnati graduate, liberally artistic, likely to be politically liberal, very ... with an elongated shoegazing whirr or A Sky For Shoeing Horses Under's debt to Philip Glass. But it works [more...]
Date: 2008-12-23 00:01:00
Yo Monroe !
Because there is more news in the world than the US Election 2008. There is a potential important news story coming out of the Caribbean ... European debt collection. Could the CARICOM nations credibly ask the USA to do something albeit less ... as the USA. A cautionary note. The EPA is entitled as being “between CARIFORUM states and the European [more...]
Date: 2008-10-27 21:28:37
10 Ways to Bail Out Wall Street (and Main Street) Without Soaking Taxpayers in Debt
By Chuck Collins and Dedrick Muhammad, AlterNet. Posted September 25, 2008 ... government will simply borrow more money to foot the bill for the bailout. The national debt ceiling [more...]
Date: 2008-09-25 21:49:30
Weekly Economic Potpourri November 22, 2008
Every week there are a numerous headlines that are worthy of mentioning but I simply run out of time ... plunge the nation further into debt and cost millions more jobs.“We have now lost 1.2 million jobs [more...]
Date: 2008-11-22 22:23:00
Bush set to say farewell to the nation
President George W. Bush’s farewell speech is more than a goodbye to the nation that elected him twice ... war, presided over a staggering 2.6 million jobs lost in 2008, ran up debt, reacted slowly [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 13:53:39
Canada elections 2008, Part II
p2pnet news view Freedom | P2P:- Part I of the p2pnet party platforms feature outlines Conservative, Liberal, NDP, Green and Bloc Quebecois policies ... . The CHP would eliminate the national debt which is currently at $600 billion dollars. Better [more...]
Date: 2008-10-08 13:19:49
Helpline for Scots facing rising debt
Helpline for Scots facing rising debt Sunday, November 16th, 2008 With £382,000 of support from the Scottish Government, the Money Advice Trust has set up a National Debtline for anyone seeing [more...]
Date: 2008-11-16 15:47:33
Time to Stop Earmarks!
December 17, 2008 Filed under Economy, National Politics Tags: Economy, No More Taxes! ... from paycheck to paycheck wondering how I am going to pay my rent or student loan debt [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 05:00:06
Global Banking Collapse Fault Of Top IMF Nations
October 1, 2008 Elaine Meinel Supkis Little Ireland, the darling of last year, ... has made the GOP reactionaries ecstatic with joy with its plan to drive us even deeper into debt [more...]
Date: 2008-10-01 13:48:37
Reversal of Fortune
As recently as June 2008 the Council of Foreign Relations was reporting Persian Gulf Nations' Bulging Coffers Bring 'Wrenching Transformation' ... of its roughly $80 billion in foreign debt coming due in 2009, Dubai will likely require a significant loan from Abu Dhabi—particularly as it can no longer finance its current account deficit by borrowing [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 22:08:31
Thanks Jim
Thanks Jim September 11th, 2008 at 1:00 pm Jim Anderton released National’s draft health policy yesterday, and look at the headlines: ... because of tax cuts voluntary bonding would be offered in return for student loan debt write-offs in hard [more...]
Date: 2008-09-11 01:00:01
Corruption charges prompt Congo to lobby Congress
In the past few years a handful of private equity or hedge funds have garnered a reputation as “vulture funds,” a term coined to describe companies that profit from the debt of extremely poor countries. The hedge funds buy defaulted debt for pennies on the dollar, then sue them later for the full amount owed in U.S. and European courts. Both in 2008 and earlier this year, members of Congress introduced bills to protect these debtor nations from lawsuits. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-18 19:08:25