Weekend Roundup- The Best of Think Your Way To Wealth 2008 Edition
Another one bites the dust! Another year, that is. I started Think Your Way To Wealth in February of 2008, ... to Money? Use Extreme Measures to Eliminate Your Debt or Increase Savings March 30 Ways To Stretch ... With Your Frugality April Lower Your Medical Bills Through Negotiation, Cost Comparison, and Haggling Lies We Tell [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 04:19:16
Blog posts
Trial lawyers have money problems
Washington Times: The trial lawyers lobby has been awash in debt and bleeding members - just as it embarks on a national campaign to block any clampdown on medical malpractice lawsuits as part of President Obama's health care overhaul. The American Association for Justice, the most prominent group representing plaintiffs' attorneys, has seen a shake-up in its executive suite and has struggled to deal with what appears to be a mounting budget shortfall. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-28 16:48:00
Wow, good thing we don’t have socialized medicine! Some more of that lovely free market in action! ... in Inglewood was losing nearly $1 million a month and had piled up $15 million in debt. Among ... a measure of relief. But the bills went unpaid, and the century-old medical center was sold. The new [more...]
Date: 2008-10-23 19:24:33
Are There Funds Available?
Are There Funds Available? Posted in January 15th, 2009 Category:Credit Funds availability is the main reason people fall into debt. make money online This lack of funds may be a direct result of a job loss, medical condition, business failure, etc.. Falling behind loans is not something most people plan or want to do, life [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 18:51:30
High school to MD in five years
California Lt. Gov. John Garamendi wants to combine college with medical school, enabling a high school graduate to earn an MD in five years ... a medical degree within reach of young people who may be discouraged by the prospect of eight years of college — and a load of debt — to get to a poorly paid residency. The program should work [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 12:44:49
Medical Expenses A Common Cause Of Bankruptcy
The following guest post was submitted by Kevin, web content writer for Resqdebt.com. For more helpful tips on how to save money and stay out of debt, visit Resqdebt’s website at www.resqdebt.com . When Americans think of a person trapped in enormous amounts of debt, inevitably they think of irresponsibility. They think of fast cars and fancy stereo equipment. They think of people living the high life who could not afford it. In short, they think of a deadbeat. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-25 10:00:13
C.R. Bard, Inc. Medical Equipment Company Share Analysis
This report is an essential source for data, analysis and strategic insight into C.R. Bard, Inc ... , including debt, equity or venture finance. Reasons to buy• A single source to fulfill [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 07:40:00
August 20 roundup
Lawyers’ contingency fee is temptation to ethical corner-cutting in consumer debt collection, too ... -good “Donda West Law” but it won’t do much to keep impulsive clients from rushing into plastic ... fee, debtor-creditor law, endangered species, Indian tribes, legal discipline, medical, movies film [more...]
Date: 2008-08-20 10:32:48
Confessions of A Cultural Anthropologist: Cause and Cure of High Health Costs
"Today’s medical students are being inducted into a culture in which their profession is seen increasingly in financial terms. Add in such pressures as the need to pay off enormous debts, and it is not surprising that students’ choices are dictated by the desire to maximize income and minimize work time [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 17:10:00
The danger of prayer
I live with a kind of odd dichotomy. I’m a Christian; I believe the Bible is the inspired word of God ... to show. I easily forget the debt of grace I owe, and judge others too sternly. And I forget, or even ... it worked. 51-year-old inferior MI. Sudden ventricular fibrillation (for the non-medical, a dangerous [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 03:31:47
Finally Finished Paying Off My Medical Bills.
In July, Mrs. Micah issued a personal finance challenge to her readers; ... , and I just finally wrote the last check out for $208.96 for the removal of my stitches. Sure, something else may ... know how lucky I am that I could pay off these bills with cash and not have to go into credit card debt [more...]
Date: 2008-11-12 16:00:37
D-Squared Has The Next Big TV Show
Idea for a television show, possibly an “ER” spinoff. ER: The Finance Department. Would revolve around a debt collector working for an American hospital, who has a limited amount ... the circumstances of a poor or middle-class American family with a crippling medical expense, deciding [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 10:23:03
Obagi Medical Products - Notes From JPM
Kids, this is one that was interrupted by the plane crash news so we don’t have all the notes. We tried to make do ... income from 07 to 08 *confidence in growing aesthetic market *$24M cash on hand, $0 debt Also on IguanaBio Anonymous tip? Read more here See recent job postings on the IguanaBio Jobs Board [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 01:44:11
100% Buyout Premiums Still Exist (ABT, EYE)
If we told you on Friday that a decent-sized medical merger was coming with a 100% premium, ... . But it is. Up 144% at $21.68 in fact. Abbott is spending about $1.36 billion plus debt to gain ... . It is of no surprise that the board of directors approved the deal. Abbott said the deal [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 15:43:55
Medical Bill
With the Feast of The Three Kings, officially the longest Christmas celebration is now over ... to Debtco.org, a non-profit company that offers debt solutions for all the credit card purchases you made during the holidays. Through Debtco.org, you can consolidate all your multiple credit card [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 19:40:27
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