Make Use Of Loan Calculator In Assessing The Loan
Availing of a loan can sometimes give you headache. If money isn’t really a need, people would rather not borrow money at all. But life can be really unfair at times. In order to survive, some people resort to borrowings in the form of loans. There are different kinds of loan like housing, car, personal and others [more...]
Date: 2008-11-27 08:44:52
Blog posts
Real Estate Shopping Online Buying a house is a very serious investment. However, during the sub-prime loan days, many have made the decision impulsively ... that can guide a buyer in choosing the best properties such as a mortgage calculator, which can calculate different types of loans with different type of payment plans and a home valuation calculator [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 09:59:57
Auto Loan Calculators
These days you can find lots of loans in the market and this has enabled every person in the world to fulfill his or her dreams like owning a car or a house. These dreams now-a-days do not seem to be far away since different types of loans are easily available in the market. However, under some situations the desire of purchasing a car or a house can suddenly turn into a terrifying incident if your monthly installments go beyond your expectations. [more...]
Date: 2009-07-23 17:23:24
New 2009 BAH Rates Released | Naval Base Kitsap | Bremerton | Bangor | PSNS | Naval Hospital Bremerton
What are you doing with your BAH? Are you giving it to the PPV/Military Housing? ... for your interest: Rent Vs Buy Calculator Buyer’s Resources Free Buyer Reports Monthly Payment Calculator Loan Programs SEARCH FOR WEST SOUND HOMES HERE [more...]
Date: 2009-01-01 23:29:29
10 Tips on Saving for Your Ideal Home
I’ve always wanted to be a homeowner, however with all the doom and gloom these days about the current housing market, ... (Thanks Home Loan Guru!). And while everyone has their own savings mantra, I thought ... out some of our mortgage calculators if you aren’t sure– or contact a professional within Zillow Mortgage [more...]
Date: 2008-07-30 00:26:16
How Much House You Can Afford?
More than one reader has emailed me in the last month asking how much house I thought they could afford in our sinking ... with some numbers in’s Mortgage Loan Calculator (PITI). Playing with the numbers, I found a monthly payment of $1,286.08 given these assumptions: Mortgage loan amount of $150,000 30 year [more...]
Date: 2008-09-22 16:26:21
Home Mortgage Loan: 5 Elements To Take Into Consideration Before Buying A House
While purchasing a house is an exciting effort in a lifetime, it is certainly not something you want to rush into ... at once. That is why, applying for a loan is crucial for most people. You will need to make sure ... of your annual salary. But even then, it is best to find a calculator online to help you figure [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 13:01:40
Rule of Thumb For Reasonable Housing Costs?
In an earlier post on motivating myself to work harder, I had thrown out a piece of “common” financial advice: ... from a mortgage calculator. The “other debt” is the sum of your other recurring monthly liabilities - car loans, credit card balances, student loan payments. There are usually two lender ratios [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 13:58:59