Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about debt elimination

Eliminating Debt in 5 Easy Steps

by John Major It is unfortunate that in today’s economy, debt rules all. From the deepest spots of our wallets, we have charged ourselves to the point of no return. The commercials and ads promising a better car, newer home and more of this and that are all based on lines of credit and bank loans. Our children have been raised in this economy where paying for something means a monthly payment and a low or high interest rate; this is why debt elimination is needed. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-24 11:39:25

Blog posts (5) | Videos (32)

How To Eliminate Rising Credit Card Interest Rates

By Jim Vrana Interest rates for credit cards keep rising, even after most all other interest rates are falling. These high interest rates, and the debt that causes them, can be eliminated altogether. Beginning until July 2010, new credit card regulations become effective which are designed to protect [more...]

Date: 2009-01-02 02:02:32

Consumer Credit Debt Consolidation – The Best Options

Amazon.de Widgets The practice of taking out a single loan in order to pay off all previously existing loans is referred to as consumer credit debt consolidation. The reasons that people choose this debt elimination option are to secure a lower interest rate, and also for the simple convenience of having to pay only one loan at the end of each payment period.Collateral is traditionally required in these types of loans due to the borrower’s tarnished credit history. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-22 21:49:03

Debt Elimination

Debt Elimination Almost all employees I know have at least one or two credit cards which they use for buying clothes, groceries and many other things. It’s been a practice to use credit card payments ... rates. If everything fails then seek help from debt consolidation company who will advice you on so many [more...]

Date: 2008-09-04 13:19:08

How A Consolidation Loan Can Help You

by Mike Carbeck Misusing credit cards is the main reason people run into uncontrollable spending and find themselves facing large payments combined ... cards, however this is where the similarities end. These loans will roll all of your credit card debt into one lump loan and will eliminate the individual interest rates that some credit card companie [more...]

Date: 2008-12-03 10:44:44

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