Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about student loan debt

Bailout Gets More Costly Due to “Bipartisan” Deal; Foolish Limits on Foreclosure Should Be Removed

Liberal Congressional leaders have apparently reached a deal with the Bush Administration on the principal elements of a $700 billion bailout of the ... student loans, car loans, credit card debt and any other ‘troubled’ assets held by banks.” ... have stuck taxpayers with 100 percent of all losses on any bad loan or mortgage, but not the profits [more...]

Date: 2008-09-28 20:34:55

Blog posts (2) | Videos (1)

Money as a Dealbreaker?

Is money a “dealbreaker” in relationship?  If you meet a great person and found out after a few months of dating, they had massive student loans, some credit card debt, and a car loan; is that a deal breaker?  Would you run for the hills or stick around? It was an interesting question posed on a message board I read.  But currently two [more...]

Date: 2008-09-04 13:00:04

2 Results