Quote of the Day - Frank Rich
Quote of the Day - Frank Rich 21 Dec, 2008 3 Comments Our feel-good movie of the year is “Slumdog Millionaire, ... in the toilet of globalization: one of those mammoth call centers Westerners reach when ringing an 800 number to, say, check on credit card debt. When he gets his unlikely crack at instant wealth [more...]
Date: 2008-12-22 04:37:25
Blog posts
Dickens for today…’Slumdog’ meets the zeitgeist
... when ringing an 800 number to, say, check on credit card debt. When he gets his unlikely crack at instant [more...]
Date: 2008-12-22 16:55:17
Internet-based Methods for Paying International Employees
by Mary Bush A number of organizations bring international workers to the States for limited periods of time for employment ... , and do not require a US bank account or credit check. The client organization transfers the funds to the card ... of electronic funds transfer (EFT) services available that are faster, more convenient and less [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 14:53:57
Internet-based Methods for Paying International Employees
by Mary Bush A number of organizations bring international workers to the States for limited periods of time for employment ... , and do not require a US bank account or credit check. The client organization transfers the funds to the card ... of electronic funds transfer (EFT) services available that are faster, more convenient and less [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 08:24:21
Pantsed jeans - beautiful ass
Click here for more pantsed amateurs I found this picture on the really huge site - Amateur collection ... of different girls, you should check them out and see if you have a empty credit card, wich you could use for the memebrship, wich is totally free, so you jus thave to enter the numbers and then cancel [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 14:58:53
Making a list, checking it twice…
Ah, I do love making resolutions. I generally revise them on a monthly basis – goals are good! – but here's a snippet of what I'm plotting for 2009 ... some more friends who enjoy playing board games. 7. Part ways with the credit card, for good. Learn to love ... the fact that this resolution is already off to a bad start. 11. Catch up the number of [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 14:26:51
Small Biz Owners Beware!
NBCPhiladelphia.com: Stacey Pace runs a small florist in New Castle, Delaware ... pace. But Pace became suspicious and asked for the credit card number first. Pace checked the card ... . He wanted the items shipped to Ghana. The shipping company demanded Pace pay up front by Western Union — [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 15:08:00
A consumer complaint about Consumer Reports
This story just drips with irony! 2 ... be trusted. No fault of theirs, my credit card number got out to some bad guys in Malta or Africa, and the credit card company detected it, contacted me as I was checking into a hotel in NY (by declining [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 13:57:29
Slumdog, a “Perfect Fairy Tale for Our Hard Times”
Click here to view the embedded video. Frank Rich, writing for the New York Times, ... in the toilet of globalization: one of those mammoth call centers Westerners reach when ringing an 800 number to, say, check on credit card debt. When he gets his unlikely crack at instant wealth, the whole [more...]
Date: 2008-12-22 16:26:33