How To Contact Creditors To Help With Credit Repair
Good credit has become nearly a necessity these days. Credit has become almost essential to buying a car or a home ( ... a problem because you’d be surprised at what kind of credit repair you can accomplish by being ... out of embarrassment or even fear. Unfortunately, it’s best to deal with the problem immediately [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 23:57:12
Blog posts
Car Repair and Cashback Cards - Big Spender Edition
“Hey man, just put it on your credit card…” That’s the best answer the Honda service manager could give me as I attempted to negotiate with him to cover the repair costs for the air conditioner compressor failure on our Honda CRV. Honda ... they were paying for the replacement parts but I told him that the $600 repair was still a lot of money [more...]
Date: 2008-09-08 04:01:03
The World Hidden Before Us.
Sunday night I swung by for Chinese takeout. I love Chicken Lo Mein… Part of the joy of eating Chinese food has always been the fortune cookie ... of repair or maintenance. When at our best, we operate behind the scenes, unnoticed and under cover ... ? What gets in the way of you seeing life as you should? Image credit: zzzack Ken Stewart’s blog [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 06:41:54
Detroit Auto Show Days, Snow Days, Slow Days
Detroit is down shifting. It was not long ago that the Big Three were best known for speed, horsepower and big hefty torque. So 2008 ... to approach repair. We need to stop giving credit to pundits who are great at criticizing, yet [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 05:28:25
Data Recovery And Why It Is Always Best Left To The Experts
In recent times with the “Credit Crunch” beginning to bite a lot of people may well be tempted to try to repair or recover their data from a failed hard disk drive or memory stick. Alternatively [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 21:23:27
Credit Repair Tips and Tricks
The best part about finding a third party credit counselor to tackle your credit repair is that you won’t feel so alone ... a larger portion of your available credit. Last off, look at getting what is known as “good debt,” ... , you should work at boosting your score to at least 700. Reduce your credit card balances down [more...]
Date: 2008-11-24 18:27:25
Best Credit Repair - Outdated Credit Fixing Techniques
Having bad credit report affects you in all financial aspects of your life, there is strongest reasons then, justifying a credit fixing as soon as you can, you will get the benefits of lower interest rates on all kind of loans you apply for. However, there some important points to take in consideration when you ... [more...]
Date: 2008-12-27 19:00:59