Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about bankruptcy laws

Bankruptcy Lawyers And What You Need Them For

For people that have tiny cognition bearing on the laws with regard to all facets of bankruptcy, then one need to look to a counsel to help the individual to grasp the selections. When to Approach Lawyers There are numerous facets of bankruptcy that one may not translate as well as an attorney will. It is commended to at any rate consult with a barrister when thinking about registering for bankruptcy. These counsels are knowledgeable per ambiguities and legal parametric quantity of bankruptcy. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 13:34:52

Blog posts (3) | Videos (140)

Not Good

Via Kevin Drum: Corporate-turnaround experts and bankruptcy lawyers are predicting a wave of retailer bankruptcies early next year, ... revision of the bankruptcy laws that screwed the rest of us is screwing retailers, too: Recent changes ... bankruptcy protection or scrambling to avoid that fate. Analysts estimate that from about 10% to 26 [more...]

Date: 2008-12-27 20:19:30

Follow the debt

From the Times of Trenton: Bankruptcy lawyers’ business booming With real estate activity in a deep freeze, ... the debt. McCarter & English, the state’s largest law firm, will announce today it’s ramping ... with expertise in restructuring and debt management,” McCarter & English chairman Drew Barry said. Lawyers [more...]

Date: 2008-10-30 11:34:51

3 Results