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If Credit Card Companies Sue You During Debt Settlement

www.CreditCardReliefFormula.org What happens if a credit card company sues you during debt settlement? It is easy to settle your own debts often for a dime or two on the dollar. Creditors do not often sue you. But if they do, here's what can happen...and you will be absolutely shocked. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 56
Added : 29/01/09 18:30
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When Can a Credit Card Company Sue You?

www.FreeDebtExam.com OR http If you have debt, I can help you. Got to FreeDebtExam.com is you're trying to figure out the best move for you. Go to Debt-Professor.com for anything else debt related. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 6 min 01
Added : 23/01/09 02:14
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It's Been Declined: The Card

Here's a story I wrote about a certain credit card company. I hope you all like it. I was going for a Johnny Cash sound and beat (Boy Named Sue, One Piece at a Time, etc). Let me know what you think! Also, feel free to check out my other videos or subscribe. Or both. Or neither, really. It's a free country. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 22
Added : 05/02/07 12:09
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Paypal $6,000+ EXTORTION, Chargeback Fraud, Collection Attempts!

Paypal fraudulant chargeback, BANK DID NOT APPROVE CHARGEBACK! Yet Paypal still is pursuing me and is claiming even after I handled evidence stating otherwise, that the buyer's credit card company "ruled in the buyer's favor". LIE LIE LIE and I can prove it! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 47
Added : 11/01/09 00:08
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