Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about fix bad credit

General Credit & Loan Information : How to Fix Bad Credit

The first step to fixing bad credit is obtaining a credit report, which often have erroneous information on people who have a similar name or social security number. Challenge the information from a credit report by hiring a professional credit repair company with the advice in this free video on personal finance from a licensed mortgage broker. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 15
Added : 30/10/08 20:19
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Videos (13) | Blog posts (5)

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Discover The First 5 Steps Of How To Fix Your Credit Fast

www.RMUCT.com -- If you are in a position where you need to know how to fix your credit fast, then here are 5 suggestions you can use starting today. These tips will help you get started and are brought to you by Repair My Ugly Credit Today, a consumer credit specialist service which is based in Richardson Texas (between Dallas and Plano TX). [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 26
Added : 18/05/09 21:48
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Improve Credit Store - Darlene Simmonds

Darlene Simmonds, Rep for Debt Reduction Store, presents Improve Credit Store, which has a system of challenging negative remarks on credit reports to increase credit scores. Most credit reports contain errors, those errors lower your credit score. Low credit scores cost people many through higher interest rates and fees. Call 1-800-920-0635 www.Darlene.ImproveCreditStore.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 20
Added : 02/07/08 19:42
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CapitalOne secured credit card canada

www.SecuredCC.com CapitalOne secured credit card canada http www.canadian-money-advisor.ca Alot of people ask me about how to improve their credit rating on the Canadian-Money-Advisor website They're applying for a car loan, credit card, or mortgage and they have "bad credit" or even "new credit". Let's talk about this for a moment NEW CREDIT New credit means that you've never had credit that's reported to the Equifax and/or TransUnion credit bureaus before. This could be because you're a ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 59
Added : 10/02/09 19:07
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Credit Restoration by Credit Report Advocates

Boost your credit score with credit restoration by Credit Repair Advocates. Call 1-800-601-3401. Or visit www.crawg.com and click get started to improve your credit score TODAY! Having trouble getting approved for a car, mortgate, loan or credit card? We can legally remove items from your credit report, increasing your credit score and saving you money by getting better interest rates. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 50
Added : 13/12/07 23:34
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FHA Refinance

http://www.FreeFHAinfo.com The FHA Refinance program has evolved into one of the most powerful refinancing tools available for adjustable rate mortgage holders, people with bad credit scores, and for individuals looking to take cash out to consolidate debt or make home improvements. Our Free informational report will help you determine if this is the best program to meet your needs. You can also call us directly at (800)922-3210 to get any questions about the FHA Fixed Rate Refinance answered. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 06
Added : 31/08/08 17:44
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Mortgages Made Easy Announcement

Check out http://your1mealticket.blogspot.com/ Subscribe to http://www.youtube.com/your1mealticket PLEASE RATE and COMMENT on my videos...even if you hate 'em...RATE 'EM Ok, so here is my FIRST big announcement of 2009. February 1st I will be launching a FREE Video Series entitled Mortgages Made Easy. The objective of the video series is to simply educate people on the process of obtaining a new mortgage and hopefully help make the process less intimidating and less painful period. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 29
Added : 04/01/09 00:06
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Is Mortgage Refinancing Right For You?

Mortgage refinancing has become very easy to do and there are many advantages. There are also some tax benefits. For more information visit http://www.mountaintopmtg.net/mortgage-refinancing.htm [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 05
Added : 02/09/07 22:54
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Real Funny random animation

Made in istopmotion and imovie. The only thing i did was the end. I have finally fixed it for you. Tell me what you think. Credit to goodgoing, and me. NO CHAIN LETTERS, or bad comments OR bad ratings! Got it!? Enjoy! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 27
Added : 22/03/08 20:45
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Credit card and debt negotiation services improve your life

http://www.darlene.improvecreditstore.com How Debt Reduction Store can challenge the negative remarks and inaccurate items on your credit report. Raise your credit score, lower your interest rates. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 47
Added : 15/09/08 04:25
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