Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit history

Matt on FRONTLINE: The SECRET History of The Credit Card

VERY INTERESTING: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/credit/view/ The above link leads to PBS's "Frontline" program that investigates the banking and credit card history. I feel it is very important for any credit card consumers that they watch this report. It might reveal to you many disconcerting facts about how the credit industry is ran in the United States, and act as proof as to why reform is greatly needed. Matthew Hawes http://www.thehappyshow.net [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 8 min 56
Added : 14/01/08 02:10
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Videos (29) | Blog posts (46)

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Identity Theft and Credit History Damage

Identity theft can happen when your personal information is stolen to open up new lines of credit. Identity thieves commonly use your name, address, social security number and mother's maiden name to create fake identities. Eventually, you will be held responsible for these accounts that you didn't know existed. The long-term damage to your credit history from identity theft can be more damaging than the short-term effects. Watch this Expert Real Estate Tips video on Identity Theft for more ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 38
Added : 21/04/09 18:31
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General Credit & Loan Information : How to Obtain Credit

In order to obtain credit, people must be in good standing with a credit card company or build credit by getting and maintaining a number of low-ceiling cards. Find out how to establish good credit standing by improving your credit card payment history with the advice in this free video on personal finance from a licensed mortgage broker. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 33
Added : 30/10/08 20:19
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Repair Bad Credit Services

Credit tips and tricks on how to build your credit score extremely fast. Completely legal techniques to significantly raise your FICO score. Advice on how to work around bankruptcies and other negative marks on your credit report. Complete listing of services can be found at www.BuildMyCreditScoreFast.com. You don't have to live with bad credit if you're willing to do something about it. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 55
Added : 29/08/07 19:08
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Credit Scores & Credit Cards : How to Build a Good Credit History

Build a good credit history by paying bills on time and minimizing credit card use. Learn which bills are reported monthly to the credit reporting agencies from the vice president of a bank in this free video on credit counseling. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 40
Added : 19/09/08 21:24
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Bad Credit Credit Cards, www.NewEdgeCredit.com

Bad credit credit cards can be quite helpful to those that have a poor credit history, or even no credit for that matter. Having good credit, and being able to purchase things by credit card, can both be extremely important issues. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 11
Added : 27/06/09 04:13
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You Obtain A Credit Card - JustCardOffers.Com

http://www.JustCardOffers.Com/Bad-Credit-Cards-Offers-Now.htm You Obtain A Credit Card when you apply online through our website, guaranteed approval and 60 second responses with one click applications, no fluff. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 05
Added : 28/09/08 17:47
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How To Get A Bank Account With Bad Credit History

Visit www.GuaranteedAccount.info to get your free bank account in 60 seconds! The background music is called "Friday" by Alexandr Filippov. Here's a link www.jamendo.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 01
Added : 11/09/09 14:04
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General Credit & Loan Information : How to Monitor Credit

An important part of monitoring credit is asking credit bureaus to put a fraud alert on a credit report to keep someone from stealing a social security number and the credit history associated with it. Sign up with an online credit monitoring service to get monthly e-mails in order monitor a credit report with the tips in this free video on personal finance from a licensed mortgage broker. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 15
Added : 30/10/08 20:19
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Build My Credit Score Fast

Tips and Tricks on how to build your credit score extremely fast. Completely legal techniques to significantly raise your FICO score. Advice on how to work around bankruptcies and other negative marks on your credit report. Complete listing of services can be found at www.BuildMyCreditScoreFast.com. You don't have to live with bad credit if you're willing to do something about it. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 15
Added : 29/08/07 17:20
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