Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about bad credit student loans

Student Loans : How to Get Student Loans for People With Bad Credit

If a student has bad credit, they still have options, including Stafford loans that do not require credit history checks. Try to get an unsecured loan from a private institution withhelp from a financial aid officer in this free video on student loans. Expert: Brooke Kramer Contact: www.argosy.edu Bio: Brooke Kramer is the financial aid officer at Argosy University in Salt Lake City, Utah. Filmmaker: Michael Burton [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 01
Added : 08/06/09 16:04
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Videos (13) | Blog posts (4)

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Bad Credit, No Credit, Bankruptcy Pay Less Bills! College Financing and Federal College Loan Payday

I've unlocked the door that leads to unlimited funds Yes you read that right, UNLIMITED funds. That might seem like a stretch, but it's not. Let me explain with a unique analogy. Do you know how computers communicate? This may sound techie and boring, but I promise it will help you understand... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 31
Added : 27/05/09 02:38
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Debt Consolidation : Consolidate your credit card debt Student Loans for College Students

My Rule of Thumb Always Know Exactly What Your Credit Report Contains. I guarantee that with "Credit Secrets Revealed" you'll totally understand the inner workings of our credit system and be able to immediately use your newfound knowledge to your advantage. Heck, even most millionaires... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 28
Added : 12/05/09 11:07
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Bad Credit Signature Loans Affordable Student Loans

signatureloansnocreditcheckereisui.blogspot.com Every student's dream is to have a degree he can use to land a good job, a job for better future. Nevertheless, what if you are in a financial burden and paying for college fees is almost impossible? [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 54
Added : 26/01/09 09:23
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College Loan Solutions Student Loan Services - student loan consolidation Bad Credit Loans,

Some OF The Loans We Offer PERSONAL LOANS Unsecured Personal Loan - Supreme Advances can help make your dreams a reality with an unsecured personal loan. Whether your plans include a vacation, a major purchase, school or consolidating your bills into one, simple monthly payment - we can... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 54
Added : 22/05/09 09:30
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College Loan Solutions Student Loan Services - student loan consolidation Car Loans - Bad Credit Car

Some OF The Loans We Offer PERSONAL LOANS Unsecured Personal Loan - Supreme Advances can help make your dreams a reality with an unsecured personal loan. Whether your plans include a vacation, a major purchase, school or consolidating your bills into one, simple monthly payment - we can... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 54
Added : 19/05/09 05:48
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Discover Student Loans - Certified Private Loans for College Students Student Loan Solutions

DEBT CONSOLIDATION LOANS Bad Credit Debt Consolidation Bills and debts getting a little out of hand? Lower your monthly payments by consolidating them into one low payment. You can consolidate anything. Credit cards, car loans, personal loans, second mortgages anything and everything! We... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min
Added : 17/05/09 05:06
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No Credit, Bankruptcy Pay Less Bills! Lower Loans & Insurance Cost College Financing and Federal

MORTGAGE LOANS Bad Credit Mortgage If you're a first time home buyer, we offer a variety of loan programs to assist you in making your first time home purchase decision - even with bad credit problems or after bankruptcy. Bad Credit Home Equity Loan Our online application is the fastest and... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 46
Added : 22/05/09 07:22
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Don't Be Silly.

Debt begins right into college for most Americans and students find themselves running up credit cards before they even finish college. Some can't even graduate because they have fallen into such bad debt. Not paying your credit card or just the minimum will not help you. DMCC can lower your interest rates and even the payments you make so that you can afford to payoff your credit cards and retain or rebuild good credit. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 32
Added : 25/09/08 22:48
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No Credit, Bankruptcy Pay Less Bills! Lower Loans & Insurance Cost College Financing and Federal

MORTGAGE LOANS Bad Credit Mortgage If you're a first time home buyer, we offer a variety of loan programs to assist you in making your first time home purchase decision - even with bad credit problems or after bankruptcy. Bad Credit Home Equity Loan Our online application is the fastest and... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 53
Added : 20/05/09 04:09
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