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Provident Living Principles

can design your lifestyle to maximize your happiness despite global financial commotion. For those that want to have an extremely solid financial condition I recommend (1) a positive net worth, (2) a current ratio greater than 10, (3) a debt-to-equity ratio below 10% and (4) net wealth in excess of 24 months. Then you will be in better financial condition to weather The Great Credit Contraction. HOW TO BUY GOLD AND SILVER http ... "Provident Living" gold silver "current ratio" "financial ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 8 min 48
Added : 24/08/09 23:05
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Videos (2) | Blog posts (1)

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The Loan to Asset Ratio

Loan to asset ratio is the percent of the total net worth of an asset such as a house that the bank will loan. Begin to understand how banks decide how much money to loan using this ratio through tips from an experienced businessman in this free video. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 09
Added : 17/09/08 00:06
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