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Credit Card Collapse

How to deal with Credit Card Debt. Collection agency will be after you. Action: 1. Read Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Know your rights. Do not blow 30 day window to dispute the debt (validate it). Download letter sample at www.awakeningblog.com If they call you tell them that you understand that they want to collect debt, so please send me letter so I know who is trying to collect it. Good luck. Please share results if any. Make sure you understand to whom FDCPA applies. It is not a ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 6 min 12
Added : 14/06/09 23:07
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My father died and the bank wants my mom to pay.

My father died last year. He had a truck he owed a lot of money on. His name was solely on the loan. There was no savings, no life insurance...nothing. I called the loan company and had them pick up the truck. Now, a year later, my mom is getting a letter from a collection agency that $7,000+ is owed on that debt. She cannot pay this debt and it was my dad's sole responsiblity. Can they come after her for the loan? [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 02
Added : 17/09/07 17:00
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