If Personal Finance is Easy, Why Isn’t Everybody Rich?
Yesterday, MSN’s Smart Spending blog posted a version of my recent article about the dirty secrets of debt reduction (and what to do about them) ... , consolidate debt, use 0% offers, use the one credit card with a 0 balance as it is cheaper than cash. You’ll ... to get out of debt. Debt elimination involves three steps, I said: Stop acquiring new debt [more...]
Date: 2008-08-06 18:00:13
Blog posts
Financial Statement Basics - Overview
The Only difference between Rich and everyone else is that, Rich know how to read Financial Statements and how to analyze them ... , Reducing expenses, Debt reduction, Credit card debt elimination, Spend less than you earn and every [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 17:24:00
Financial Ramblings
Here’s what caught my attention this week: Frugal Dad explains the life cycle of a purchase ... of investing is giving you some tips on that. Find out about the catch behind debt reduction and elimination program at The Simple Dollar. Credit Tool Box explains in which situation you should choose [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 10:00:06
Letting go of the old and moving on to the new
Welcome to 2009.2008 was quite a year for us. So many exciting things happened, there are things that I haven't even written about yet. Yikes! ... for something NEW!Debt reduction and elimination is our other main focus this year. This is the continuation ... of credit card addiction. It's that other debt we are looking at now: student loans, home equity [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 04:25:00
The Dirty Secrets of Debt Reduction (and What to Do About Them)
When I was a sophomore in college, I got my first credit card. I thought it was awesome — it was like free money ... to pay off debt. I was arrogant. I believed this advice didn’t apply to me. But then my car broke down ... , and then paused my debt elimination plans for a few months in order to stash $1,000 in the bank [more...]
Date: 2008-07-17 12:00:34
Summary of Corker proposals the UAW rejected
Jackson Baker, the accomplished senior editor of the Memphis Flyer provides us with the draft “Corker plan”, ... it proposed: Comments in parenthesis are mine. 1)Debt Load Reduction (bond holders would ... would probably be ahead) 4)Elimination of Jobs Bank and Supplemental Unemployment Benefits [more...]
Date: 2008-12-15 16:38:15
Plotting the Debt Reduction Course
It feels like it’s been months since I last accomplished a financial goal. In fact, it *has* been months. It’s getting me down. I eliminated $28k+ worth of credit card debt way back on March 27 with a $508.13 payment ... , you have the right to request cancellation of PMI when you pay down your mortgage to the point that it equals [more...]
Date: 2008-06-12 16:55:34
The Greatest Offer For Those who Want to Receive Backlog Reduction Mortgage
These days the economy of the United States is breaking down ... your expenditures for the last half of a year and use debt calculator to realize your debt-to-income ratio ... increasing and the America encounter poor case. Debt elimination must be on everyone’s mind. With a not big [more...]
Date: 2008-12-14 23:31:59
Gannett’s Q3 Profits Plunge 32 Percent
Newspaper publisher Gannett Co. reported its third-quarter profits fell 32 percent due to a decline in ad revenue. Revenue fell 9 percent to $1 ... announced the elimination of about 1000 jobs back in August to cut costs, and it recently amped ... in CareerBuilder. See Also: NYT Reports Q3 Loss, Considers Debt Reduction McClatchy Posts Profit, [more...]
Date: 2008-10-24 15:07:12
Mercy announces staff cutbacks, program changes
Mercy announces cost containment measures, including staff reductions and service changes Mercy Health System of Kansas, Inc ... obligations to provide charity care and rising bad debt in unpaid patient accounts as the factors ... action immediately.” Measures implemented today included the elimination of 56 positions across [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 23:19:41
Debt Reduction or Debt Elimination- Do the Words You Use Make A Difference?
If you’ve read Think Your Way To Wealth for any period of time, you’ve probably noticed that I use Debt Reduction and Debt Elimination fairly interchangeably ... or Debt Elimination. Now, I am not going to pull out Webster’s Dictionary here, but in my mind I find [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 01:37:26
Welcome to the Carnival of Debt Reduction
Hi everyone, and welcome to this week’s Carnival of Debt Reduction . There were more good articles submitted this week than are shown below, but only a small number of them dealt directly with (a) personal debt reduction stories or (b) how to reduce consumer debt: No Credit Needed dispenses with a lengthy introduction and jumps right in with a six-step process for eliminating credit card debt . Free Money Finance recounts a story of how one couple paid off their mortgage . [more...]
Date: 2009-09-28 05:00:04
Welcome to the Carnival of Debt Reduction
Hi everyone, and welcome to this week’s Carnival of Debt Reduction . There were more good articles submitted this week than are shown below, but only a small number of them dealt directly with (a) personal debt reduction stories or (b) how to reduce consumer debt: No Credit Needed dispenses with a lengthy introduction and jumps right in with a six-step process for eliminating credit card debt . Free Money Finance recounts a story of how one couple paid off their mortgage . Financ [more...]
Date: 2009-09-28 05:00:04