Consumer Credit Debt Consolidation – The Best Options Widgets The practice of taking out a single loan in order to pay off all previously existing loans is referred to as consumer credit debt consolidation. The reasons that people choose this debt elimination option are to secure a lower interest rate, and also for the simple convenience of having to pay only one loan at the end of each payment period.Collateral is traditionally required in these types of loans due to the borrower’s tarnished credit history. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-22 21:49:03
Blog posts
What Every Consumer Needs to Know
What Every Consumer Needs to Know Building good credit history is extremely important to one’s life ... that control credit. These rights have been stated as provisions on Fair Debt Collection Practices ... so as to bear witness on whatever maltreatments or unduly practices of debt collectors and lenders. Fair Debt [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 12:47:09
CES 2009 home audio wrap-up
With its unique design, built-in BD-Live Blu-ray player, Netflix onboard, and Wi-Fi compatibility, the Samsung HT-BD7200 encapsulated cutting-edge home theater this year. (Credit: Samsung) The 2009 Consumer Electronics Show is history. As far ... [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 03:42:39
September 30th, 2008 - Help Stop Debt Harassment, Learn Your Rights!
Obtaining credit can be fairly simple. If you have a steady job, an acceptable debt-to-income ratio, and no history of serious credit delinquency, ... Responsibility of Debt Collectors or other Furnishers to the Consumer Reporting Agencies. Procedures in the Case [more...]
Date: 2008-09-29 05:38:41