Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about consumer credit report

Disputing Negative Records With Credit Reporting Agencies Part2

Disputing Negative Records With Credit Reporting Agencies Part2 OK, you've disputed with a Consumer Credit Reporting Agency - and got a reply 'verified'. This means that the record stays. What has happened? The CRA (Credit Reportin Agency - Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion) does verification by simply asking the original creditor (lender, collector) to verify information. They don't spend more than several minutes on your case. Now after CRA (Credit Reporting Agency) has verified that it ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 32
Added : 24/02/09 23:59
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South Texas Crossfire - Credit Part 3

Part 1 of 6. During this epidsode of the weekly radio and television broadcast show South Texas Crossfire, credit reports, FRCA, credit repair, mortgages, bad credit, credit bureaus, transunion, equifax and experian attorneys Joe Flores and Juan Reyna discuss the topic of consumer credit. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 45
Added : 10/08/07 17:05
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Debt Management: Credit Boot-camp™ Top 4 Things That Can Hurt Your Credit Score

Discover the four main things that can hurt or help your credit score in this quick and very informative video. Don't Go To Court Alone! Hire an affordable Attorney in your state. For more info call 866-576-4996 - or go to www.prepaidlegal.com/hub/jeromeford [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 33
Added : 18/08/07 04:48
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